Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (2021)
Bachelor of Science in Engineering Physics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (2021)
Research Interests
Photonic systems and biosensors
Senior Thesis
Portable Optical Microscopic Systems for Nanoparticle Detection
Research Experiences
Research Assistant, Powder Metallurgy Research Institute Summer 2020 Primary Investigator: Dou Zhang, Professor; Mentor: Haiyan Chen, Ph.D.
Central South University
- Constructed supercell models of the lattice structure of defect engineered ceramics
- Performed First Principles calculations (Density Function theory) of the supercell and record electron density and eigenenergy of the system
- Analyzed the stability of the structure from data
Research Assistant, Laboratory of Chemo/Biosensing and Chemometrics Summer 2016 Primary Investigator: Dapeng Zhao, Associate Professor
Hunan University
- Compared the biotoxicity of Coated Magnesium-Zinc alloys and uncoated ones
- Cultured and transported human colorectal cancer cell
- Analyzed and compiled data to draft report
H. Chen, L. Tang, L. Liu, Y. Chen, H. Luo, X. Yuan, D. Zhang. Temperature dependent polarization-switching behavior in 0.50.52 ferroeletric film. Materialia 14 (2020) 100919.
Honor and Awards
- Dean’s List (FA 2017, SP 2018, FA 2018, FA 2019, SP2020, FA 2020, SP 2021)
- Mark Tracy Undergraduate Fellowship
- Peter W. Sauer Undergraduate Scholarship
- John Bardeen Undergraduate Award