Department of Bioengineering
B.S. Biomedical Engineering, Northeastern University, Shenyang, China
M. Eng. Bioengineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Research Interests
My research focuses on development and applications of optical biosensors, especially photonic crystal enhanced microscopy (PCEM). Currently, I am working on HIV virus detection using PCEM with high sensitivity and efficiency, including simulations and improvements of microfluidics devices.
Awards and Honors
- School Outstanding Graduates Scholarship at NEU, Jun. 2016
- Outstanding Student Scholarship at NEU, Oct. 2015
- Short-term Study Scholarship by Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO), Sep. 2015
- Outstanding Student Scholarship at NEU, Oct. 2014
- 1st-Class scholarship for excellent student at NEU, Sep. 2014
- Honorable Mention Mathematical Contest in Modeling (MCM), Feb. 2014