- “Implanted Biosensors,” Center for Innovative Minimally Invasive Therapy/Society for Minimally Invasive Therapy (CIMIT/SMIT) Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, May, 1999.
- “MEMS and Biology,” University of Illinois Electrical and Computer Engineering Department Seminar, Champaign, IL, April, 2000.
- “The Marriage of Combinatorial Peptide Libraries and a Label Free Biosensor for Detection of Microorganisms,” Boston University Bioinformatics Technology Seminar, Boston, MA, July, 2001.
- “Transitioning from Government Laboratory to Marketplace,” ASME Lab-on-a-Chip Workshop, Washington, DC, September, 2001.
- “Microreplicated Plastic Label-Free Biosensor Arrays for High Throughput Genomics, Proteomics, and Diagnostics Applications,” BioMEMS 2002, Cambridge, MA, April, 2002
- “SRU Biosystems: Formation of a BioMEMS Startup Company,” BioMEMS 2002 Workshop, Cambridge, MA, April, 2002.
- “Integration of Plastic Biosensors into Disposable Liquid Handling Labware,” Microfluidics 2002, San Francisco, CA, September, 2002.
- “Nanostructured Optical Biosensors and Applications in Pharmaceutical Discovery,” University of Illinois ECE Department Seminar, October, 2002.
- “High Throughput Label-Free Assays Using Plastic Biosensor Sheets Embedded in Microtiter Plates and Microarray Slides,” Screentech 2003, March, 2003.
- “A Novel Direct Binding Screening System,” Society of Biomolecular Screening 2003 Annual Meeting, Portland, OR, September, 2003.
- “Nanostructured Label-Free Biosensor Arrays for Biomolecular and Cellular Assays,” Northwestern University Physics Department Seminar, October, 2003.
- “A Label-Free Direct Binding Assay System for High Throughput Screening,” American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists 2003 Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT, October, 2003.
- “Label-Free Assays on the BIND System,” Lab Automation 2004 section on Emerging Technologies, San Jose, CA, February, 2004.
- “Nanostructured biosensors manufactured by the square yard and applications in pharmaceutical discovery,” Nanobiotechnology Conference, San Francisco, CA, April, 2004.
- “Photonic Crystal Biosensors for Direct Pathogen Detection and Rapid Diagnostics Testing,”Army Research Office Workshop for On-Chip Detection and Identification of Biological and Chemical Molecules, Raleigh, NC, April 29, 2004.
- “Label-Independent Detection Using Photonic Crystal Biosensors and Applications in Homeland Security,” CNST Nanotechnology Homeland Security Workshop, Champaign, IL, May 7, 2004.
- “Label-Independent Detection Using Photonic Crystal Biosensors and Applications in Homeland Security,” US Army Natick Soldier Center Seminar, June 9, 2004.
- “Biosensor Multiwell Microplate with Self-Reference Capability,”IEEE Sensors 2004, Vienna, Austria, October 15, 2004.
- “Photonic Crystal Biosensors,” OSA Information Photonics, Charlotte, NC, June, 2005.
- “Biosensor Applications in Neuroscience Research and Drug Discovery,”Dartmouth Conference on Translational Research in the Neurosciences, Cambridge, MA, October, 2005
- “Replica Molding Methods and Applications in Sensors, Transducers, Microplasma Discharges, and Tissue Engineering,” Charles Stark Draper Laboratory MEMS Seminar, Cambridge, MA, March, 2006.
- “Photonic Crystal Biosensors and Applications in Drug Discovery,” American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers Annual International Meeting, Portland, OR, July, 2006.
- Photonic Crystal Biosensors, University of Illinois ECE Department Graduate Seminar, February 2007.
- Photonic Crystal Biosensors, OSA Workshop on Nanophotonics, Champaign, IL, April 2007.
- “Photonic crystal biosensor microplates with integrated fluid networks for high throughput applications in drug discovery,” C.J. Choi, L.L. Chan, M.F. Pineda, J.T. Heeres, P.J. Hergenrother, B.T. Cunningham, SPIE Conference on Optics and Photonics, San Diego, CA, August 2007.
- “Photonic Crystal Biosensors,” SPIE Defense and Security Symposium, Orlando, FL, March 2008.
- “Optical Resonators for Label-Free Detection: Photonic Crystals, Microrings, and Lasers,” SBS Symposium on Label-Free Technologies in Drug Discovery, June 2008, Dresden, Germany.
- “Photonic crystal optofluidics for high throughput biosensing,” C.J. Choi, and B.T. Cunningham, Conference on Lasers and Electro Optics, May 2008, San Jose, CA.
- “Tunable photonic crystal reflection filters on flexible plastic substrates,” Tri-Service Information Exchange on Agile Laser Protection, Hilton Head, SC, April 2008.
- “Photonic crystal biosensors for label-free detection and fluorescence enhancement,” Gordon Research Conference in Bioanalytical Sensors, Providence, RI, June, 2008.
- “Preliminary studies on biologically active proteins/peptides from medicinal plants,” ASABE Conference, Providence, RI, June, 2008.
- “Sensors for Embedded Intelligence,” Baxter Corporation Biannual Conference on Global R&D, Vienna, Austria, July, 2008.
- “Photonic Crystal Biosensors and Tunable Resonant Optical Devices,” IEEE LEOS Conference on Optical MEMS and Nanophotonics, Freiburg, Germany, August, 2008.
- “Optical Resonators for Label Free Detection: Photonic Crystals and Lasers,” University of Illinois Electromagnetics Symposium, Urbana, IL, September, 2008.
- “Photonic crystals: A platform for label-free and enhanced fluorescence biomolecular and cellular assays,” 2008 MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, MA, December 2008.
- “Photonic crystal biosensors for high throughput drug discovery, environmental monitoring, and biomarker detection,” Pittcon 2009, Chicago, IL, March 2009.
- “Nanophotonic resonators as biosensing substrates,” Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal, Engineering Physics Department Seminar, March 2009.
- “Microplate-based, Label-free Applications: Native Cell Profiling and Pharmaceutically Relevant Targets,” Society for Biomolecular Screening Spring Meeting, Lille, France, April 2009.
- “Photonic Biosensors,” Electrical Engineering Department Colloquium, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, May 2009.
- “A general method for screening protein-DNA interactions using photonic crystal biosensor microplates,” ACHEMA Conference, Frankfurt, Germany, May 2009.
- “Deposited nanorod films for biosensor applications,” W. Zhang, S.-M. Kim, N. Ganesh, I. Block, P.C. Mathias, and B.T. Cunningham, AVS 56th International Symposium & Exhibition, San Jose, CA, November, 2009.
- “Screening Small Molecule and Cell-Based Targets using Photonic Crystal Biosensors,” B.T. Cunningham, Target Discovery World Congress, San Francisco, CA, August 2009.
- “Application of Photonic Crystal Enhanced Fluorescence to a Cytokine Immunoassay,” B.T. Cunningham, EMBC 2009 Conference, Minneapolis, MN, September 2009.
- “Photonic crystal enhanced fluorescence,” B.T. Cunningham, SPIE Photonics West, Special Session: Frontiers in Pathogen Detection: From Nanosensors to Systems, San Francisco, CA, January 2010. (Proc. SPIE Vol. 7553, p. 755302-1)
- “Label-Free Cell Assays Using Photonic Crystal Biosensors,” Center for Cellular Mechanics Seminar, Urbana, IL, February 2010.
- “Deposited Nanorod Films for Biosensor Applications,” iOptics Seminar, Urbana, IL, February 2010
- “Biosensors for Cell and Bacteria Surface Interaction Analysis,” Department of Medicinal Chemistry Seminar, University of Illinois Chicago, Chicago, IL, March 2010.
- “Application of biosensors in cancer research and diagnostics,” Department of Medicine Seminar, University of Illinois Chicago, Chicago, IL, April 2010.
- “Fluorescence-based biodetection and fluorescence amplification,” NSF Biosensing-Bioactuation Summer Institute 2010, Champaign, IL, July 2010.
- “Sensors using photonic crystal surfaces,” International Nano-Optoelectronics Workshop (iNOW), Beijing, China, August 2010.
- “Resonant excitation and enhanced extraction of quantum dots in plastic-based photonic crystals,” BAE Systems Seminar, Merrimack, NH, September 2010.
- “Label-free detection and fluorescence enhancement with photonic crystal surfaces,” Department of Biopharmaceutical Sciences, College of Pharmacy, University of Illinois at Chicago, October 2010
- “Biosensing with Photonic Crystal Surfaces,” IEEE Photonics Society 2010 Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, November 2010.
- “High resolution imaging of cell activity using photonic crystal surfaces,” LEOS Winter Topical Meeting, Keystone, CO, January 2011.
- “Nanophotonics in Biosensing,” 1st International Symposium on Nanomedicine: Past, Present & Future Prospects, Karachi, Pakistan, December 2010.
- “Biosensing with Photonic Crystal Surfaces,” University of California Davis, Center for Biophotonics Science and Technology (CBST) Seminar, March 2011.
- “Sensors for Biomedical Tubing,” Nano Electronics-Photonics Seminar, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, April 2011.
- “Cell-based assays using photonic crystal biosensors,” Conference on Lasers and Electro Optics (CLEO), Baltimore, MD, May 2011.
- “Getting molecules to see the light: Nanostructures and instruments for biomedical detection,” Draper Laboratory Seminar, Cambridge, MA, August 2011.
- “Getting molecules to see the light: Nanostructures and instruments for biomedical detection,” Boston University Photonics Center Seminar, Boston MA, August 2011.
- “Getting molecules to see the light: Nanostructures and instruments for biomedical detection,” W.M. Keck Lecture, University of California at Santa Cruz, September 2011.
- “Photonic Crystals: A versatile platform for optics-based biological detection,” SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, CA, January 2012.
- “Point of care cancer detection using silicon photonic crystal enhanced fluorescence,” Intel Research Webinar, March, 2012.
- “Subwavelength photonics for biosensing,” OSA Integrated Photonics Research, Silicon and Nanophotonics Conference, Colorado Springs, CO, June 2012.
- “Flexible optical nanosensors in disposable biomedical tubing,” CMOS Emerging Technologies Conference, Vancouver, BC, July 2012
- “Smartphone biosensors for health, environmental monitoring, and food safety,” NSF EFRI Program Topic Proposal, Arlington, VA, January 2013.
- “Application of nanosensors for prevention of food contamination,” Illinois Institute of Technology Institute of Food Safety and Health Seminar, Bedford Park, IL, January 2013.
- “Friendly Photons: Optical Sensors in Life Science and Medicine,” National Institute of Standards Technology, Bethesda, MD, June, 2013.
- “Biosensors in diagnostics, point-of-care monitoring, life science research, and pharmaceutical screening,” Austrian Institute of Technology Seminar, Vienna, Austria, July 2013.
- “Biosensors in diagnostics, point-of-care monitoring, life science research, and pharmaceutical screening,” Bionanotechnology Summer Institute, Urbana, IL, August 2013.
- “Optical Sensors in Drug Discovery,” Keynote Presentation, 1st Mining the Microbial Genome Symposium, Institute for Genomic Biology, Urbana, IL, August, 2013.
- “Application of nanosensors for prevention of food contamination,” Illinois Institute of Technology Institute of Food Safety and Health Seminar, Bedford Park, IL, January 2013.
- “Optical Sensors in Life Science and Medicine,” Tutorial Presentation, IEEE Photonics Conference, Bellevue, WA, September, 2013.
- “The biosensor business,” Technology Entrepreneurship Program, University of Illinois School of Management, Urbana, IL, September, 2013.
- “Optical Sensors in Life Science and Medicine,” Tutorial Presentation, IEEE Photonics Conference, Bellevue, WA, September, 2013.
- “Lighting the Way: Optical Sensors in the Life Sciences,” IEEE SmartTech Workshop, Waltham, MA, September, 2013.
- “Nanostructures in Optics for Biomedicine,” Washington University Mechanical Engineering and Material Science Department Seminar, St. Louis, MO, September 2013.
- “Friendly Photons: Optical Sensors in Life Science and Medicine,” Penn State University, Department of Engineering Science and Mechanics Seminar, State College, PA, October 2013.
- “Friendly Photons: Optical Sensors in Life Science and Medicine,” Berkeley Sensor and Actuator Center (BSAC) Seminar, University of California at Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, November 2013.
- “Friendly Photons: Optical Sensors in Life Science and Medicine,” Keynote Lecture, International Conference on Sensing Technology, Wellington, New Zealand, December 2013.
- “Friendly Photons: Optical Sensors in Life Science and Medicine,” Berkeley Sensor and Actuator Center (BSAC) Seminar, University of California at Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, November 2013.
- “Friendly Photons: Optical Sensors in Life Science and Medicine,” Keynote Lecture, International Conference on Sensing Technology, Wellington, New Zealand, December 2013.
- “Photonic Crystal Enhanced Microscopy: A New Tool for Cell Imaging and Biomarker Detection,” Institute of Genomic Biology Seminar, Urbana, IL, January 2014.
- “Photonic Crystal Enhanced Microscopy: A New Tool for Cell Imaging and Biomarker Detection,” University of Houston, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Distinguished Speaker Series, Inaugural Lecture, Houston, TX, February 2014.
- “Handheld Smartphone Biosensing,” Molecular Medicine Tri-Conference on Point-of-Care Diagnostics, San Francisco, CA, February 2014.
- “Optical Sensors in Diagnostics and Life Science Research,” Beckton Dickenson Technologies Division Seminar, Raleigh, NC, February 2014.
- “Optical Sensors in the Life Sciences,” Tsinghua University-Illinois Nanotechnology Symposium, Urbana, IL, April 2014.
- “Laser Biosensors for Drug Discovery,” 2014 Device Research Conference, Plenary Lecture, Santa Barbara, CA, June 2014.
- “Four Orders of Magnitude: Nanophotonic Biosensors for Detection of Molecules to Tissues,” Plenary Lecture, Asia-Pacific Conference of Transducers and Micro-Nano Technology (APCOT), Daegu, South Korea, June 2014.
- “Smartphone Biosensors for Diagnostics, Food Safety, and Environmental Monitoring,” OSA Applied Industrial Optics Conference, Seattle, WA, July 2014.
- “Biosensors in Food Safety Applications,” Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition, Graduate Seminar, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Champaign, IL, September 2014.
- “Smartphone Biosensors for Diagnostics, Food Safety, and Environmental Monitoring,” SelectBio Point of Care Diagnostics World Congress, San Diego, CA, September 2014.
- “Four Orders of Magnitude: Nanophotonic Biosensors for Detection of Molecules to Tissues,” Boston University Photonics Seminar, Boston, MA, October 2014.
- “Photonic crystal biosensors,” IEEE Sensors Conference (Special Session on Photonic Crystal Biosensors), Valencia, Spain, November 2014.
- “Chemical and Biological Detection for Diagnostic, Food Safety, and Drug Safety using the Internal Sensing Capabilities of Mobile Devices,” Lester Wolfe Workshop at MIT, Cambridge, MA, November 2014.
- “Microfluidic Integration of Photonic Crystal Enhanced Fluorescence Technology for High Sensitivity, Multiplexed Detection of Serum Biomarkers,” NIH Innovative Molecular Analysis Technologies Program Annual Workshop, Bethesda, MD, November 2014.
- “Photoinc crystals, biomarkers, and cells,” IEEE EMBS Micro and Nanotechnology in Medicine Conference, Oahu, HI, December 2014.
- “Chemical and Biological Detection for Diagnostics using the Internal Capabilities of Mobile Devices,” ASME Webinar: How Technology is Transforming Diagnostics, March 2015.
- “Smartphone biosensors in diagnostics, food safety, and anti-counterfeit drug applications,” University of Wisconsin, ECE Department Graduate Seminar, April, 2015.
- “Smartphone Spectroscopy: Three unique modalities for point-of-care testing,” K.D. Long, H. Yu, H. Le, S. Lumetta, and B.T. Cunningham, SPIE Sensing Technology + Applications Conference, Baltimore, MD, April 2015.
- “Nano-biophotonic approaches for detection of chemical molecules, proteins, virus particles, and cells,” Keynote Presentation: International Symposium on Organic Electronics and Bioelectronics, Clemson, SC, May 2015.
- “Teaching your old smartphone new tricks: Mobile biodetection for health and food safety,” Saturday Engineering for Everyone, ECE Department at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, May 2015.
- “Photonic crystal enhanced microscopy,” Conference for Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), San Jose, CA, May 2015.
- “Photonic crystal enhanced fluorescence: Development of sensors structures and detection instrumentation for early cancer biomarker detection,” NIH Innovative Molecular Analysis Technologies Principle Investigator’s Meeting, Washington, DC, November 2015.
- “Photonic crystal enhanced microscopy,” Frontiers in Ultrasensitive and Super Resolution Imaging Symposium, Urbana, IL, December 2015.
- “Photonic crystal enhancement and tuning of quantum dot emission,” Dow Chemical Company Seminar, Marlborough, MA, January 2016.
- “Smartphone biosensors: New tools for nutrition and health diagnostics,” American Society for Nutrition Annual Meeting, Special session on innovative techniques to evaluating behavioral nutrition interventions in the community, San Diego, CA, April 2016.
- “Photonic crystal enhanced microscopy for cell membrane imaging and digital resolution biomolecular sensing,” 12th International Symposium on Photonic and Electromagnetic Crystal Structures (PECS), York, UK, July 2016.
- “Nano-Biophotonic Approaches for Detection of Chemical Molecules, Proteins, Virus Particles, and Cells,” ARO/NSF/SRC Technical Exchange Meeting on Cell-Semiconductor Interfaces and Hybrid Semiconductor-Biological Systems, Atlanta, GA, July 2016.
- “Photonic crystal enhanced microscopy for cell membrane imaging and digital resolution biomolecular sensing,” Georgia Tech Mechanical Engineering Department Seminar, Atlanta, GA, July 2016.
- “Quest for the $100 genome,” Carle Hospital Genomics for Clinicians Conference, Urbana, IL, July 2016.
- “Recent developments in biophotonics,” GE Global Research Seminar, Niskayuna, NY, October 2016.
- “Point of care diagnostics,” Plenary Lecture, Carle Foundation Day Symposium, Champaign, IL, November 2016.
- “Development of an automated test for an oropharyngeal cancer biomarker in blood using photonic crystal enhanced fluorescence,” B.T. Cunningham, C. Race, L. Kwon, H. Inan, S. Kesiraju, K. Anderson, U. Demirci, R. Zangar, Frontiers in Bioengineering Mini Symposium, Zhangjiang Hi-Tech Park, Shanghai, China, November 2016.
- “Development of an automated test for an oropharyngeal cancer biomarker in blood using photonic crystal enhanced fluorescence,” B.T. Cunningham, C. Race, L. Kwon, H. Inan, S. Kesiraju, K. Anderson, U. Demirci, R. Zangar, NIH Innovative Molecular Analysis Technologies (IMAT) Program PI Meeting, Bethesda, MD, December 2016.
- “Photonic crystal enhanced microscopy for cell membrane imaging and digital resolution biomolecular sensing,” Biomedical Engineering Department Seminar, Rochester University, Rochester, NY, December 2016.
- “Photonic crystal enhanced microscopy: A new tool for cell-surface quantitative imaging and digital resolution biomolecular diagnostics,” B.T. Cunningham, Y. Zhuo, J.S. Choi, T. Marin, H. Yu, and B.A. Harley, Emerging Technologies in Communications, Microsystems, Optoelectronics, and Sensors (ET-CMOS), Warsaw, Poland, May 2017.
- “Mobile Biosensing using the Capabilities of Smartphone Cameras,” B.T. Cunningham, K.D. Long, H. Yu, W. Chen, F. Sun, A. Ornob, A. Ganguli, S. Lumetta, and R. Bashir, IEEE International Microwave Workshop Series on Advanced Materials and Processes, Pavia, Italy, September 2017.
- “Photonic biosensor technologies for ultrasensitive, portable applications in gloabl health diagnostics, environmentla monitoring, and life science research ,” B.T. Cunningham, K.D. Long, H. Yu, W. Chen, F. Sun, A. Ornob, A. Ganguli, S. Lumetta, and R. Bashir, Illinois-JITRI Institute (IJI) Symposium, Nanjing, China, September 2017.
- “Personal diagnostics using the detection capabilities of smartphones,” GIANT Health Event, London, UK, November 2017.
- “Photonic crystal enhanced microscopy: A new tool for cell-surface quantitative imaging and digital resolution biomolecular diagnostics,” University of Birmingham Chemistry Department Seminar, Birmingham, UK, November 2017.
- “Resonant coupling from photonic crystal surfaces to plasmonic nanoantennas: Principles, detection instruments, and applications in digital resolution biosensing,” SPIE Photoics West, San Francisco, CA, January 2018.
- “Biosensing with photonic crystals,” Europtrode Conference, Naples, Italy, March 2018.
- “Photonic crystal resonant coupling to nanoantennas and applications for digital resolution biosensing,” OSA Biomedical Optics, Hollywood, FL, April 2018.
- “Photonic crystal enhanced microscopy of the cellular microenvironment,” Subcellular to Cellular Cancer Imaging Workshop, sponsored by teh National Cancer Institute and the American Society for Cell Biology, Bethesda, MD, April 2018.
- “Smartphone spectroscopy for mobile health diagnostics with laboratory-equivalent capabilities,” SPIE Defense + Commercial Sensing, Orlando, FL, April 2018.
- “Digital resolution biomolecule sensing by photonic resonator absorption microscopy (PRAM) with plasmonic nanoparticle tags,” Protein Engineering Summit (PEGS) 2018, Special Session: Nanotechnology in Medicine, Boston, MA, May 2018.
- “Hybrid dielectric resonator + nanoantenna systems: Principles, detection instruments, and applications in digital resolution biosensing,” PIERS 2018, Toyama, Japan, August 2018. Keynote presentation.
- “Pathogen sensng and identification using a smartphone,” IEEE RAPID Conference, Destin, FL, August, 2018.
- “Multiplexed smartphone detection of infectious diseases with microfluidic loop-mediated isothermal amplification,” 3rd Microfluidics Congress, San Francisco, CA, September 2018.
- “Biosensing with digital resolution for ultrasensitive diagnostics,” Texas A&M Biomedical Engineering Department Distinguished Lecture, College Station, TX, September 2018.
- “Biosensing with digital resolution for ultrasensitive diagnostics,” University of Texas at Austin, Electrical and Computer Engineering Department Seminar, Austin, TX, September 2018.
- “Biosensing with digital resolution for ultrasensitive diagnostics,” University of Wisconsin, Chemistry Department Seminar, Madison, WI, October 2018.
- “New forms of microscopy enabled by nanostructured surfaces,” University of California Santa Barbara, Electrical Engineering Distinguished Speaker Seminar, Santa Barbara, CA, October 2018.
- “New forms of microscopy enabled by nanostructured surfaces,” UCLA, Electrical and Computer Engineering Distinguished Speaker Seminar, Los Angeles, CA, October 2018.
- “New forms of microscopy enabled by nanostructured surfaces,” Stanford University, Electrical and Computer Engineering Distinguished Speaker Seminar, Palo Alto, CA, October 2018.
- “New forms of microscopy enabled by nanostructured surfaces,” Chemical Engineering Department Seminar, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, October 2018.
- “Preparing excellent NIH R01 proposals in biosensors and bioinstrumentation,” Center of Integrated Biomedical and Bioengineering Research Seminar, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, October 2018.
- “New forms of microscopy enabled by nanostructured surfaces,” Electrical Engineering Department Seminar, City University of London, London, England, November 2018.
- “New forms of microscopy enabled by nanostructured surfaces,” Optoelectronics Research Center Seminar, University of Southampton, Southampton, England, November 2018.
- “New forms of microscopy enabled by nanostructured surfaces,” Photonics and Quantum Sciences Research Institute Seminar, Heriot Watt University, Edinburgh, Scotland, November 2018.
- “New forms of microscopy enabled by nanostructured surfaces,” Photonics Research Center Seminar, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium, November 2018.
- “Commercialization of smartphone diagnostics,” IEEE Micro and Nanotechnology in Medicine Conference, Kauai, HI, December 2018.
- “Using smartphones to detect disease,” Genomics for Journalists Workshop, Carl Woese Institute for Genomic Biology, March 2019.
- “Ultrasensitive diagnostics using digital resolution bio sensing,” Cleveland Chapter of IEEE, April 2019.
- “Using nanotechnology to realize a working liquid biopsy,” Stratum Med Symposium for Genomics in Medicine, Champaign, IL, April 2019.
- “Using nanotechnology to realize a working liquid biopsy,” Mayo Clinic Alliance on Personalized Medicine, Champaign, IL, April 2019.
- “New forms of microscopy enabled by nanostructured surfaces,” MRS Spring Meeting, Phoenix, AZ, April 2019.
- “Digital resolution genomic and proteomic liquid biopsy using plasmonic-photonic hybrid resonators,” Draper Laboratory, Cambridge, MA, September 2019.
- “Digital resolution genomic and proteomic liquid biopsy using plasmonic-photonic hybrid resonators,” Boston University OSA/SPIE Student Chapter Invited Seminar, Boston, MA, September 2019.
- “Digital resolution genomic and proteomic liquid biopsy using plasmonic-photonic hybrid resonators,” Wellman Center Seminar, Massachusetts General Hospital,, Boston, MA, September 2019.
- “Detection of miRNA by Activate Capture + Digital Counting (AC+DC) Microscopy,” T. Canady, N. Li, and B.T. Cunningham, US-Korea Nanotechnology Forum, San Diego, CA, September 2019.
- “Photonic resonator hybrids for ultrasensitive liquid biopsy of nucleic acid biomarkers for cancer,” B.T. Cunningham, T. Canady, N. Li, Q. Huang, C. Che, Y. Lu, and M. Kohli, IEEE Photonics Conference, Tutorial Presentation, San Antonio, TX, September 2019.
- “Digital resolution genomic and proteomic liquid biopsy using plasmonic-photonic hybrid resonators,” UC Santa Cruz Electrical Engineering Distinguished Lecture, October, 2019.
- “Digital resolution genomic and proteomic liquid biopsy using plasmonic-photonic hybrid resonators,” Berkeley Sensor and Actuator Center Lecture, UC Berkeley, October, 2019.
- “Digital resolution genomic and proteomic liquid biopsy using plasmonic-photonic hybrid resonators,” Bay Area Chapter of the IEEE Photonics Society, Santa Clara, CA, October, 2019.
- “Digital resolution genomic and proteomic liquid biopsy using plasmonic-photonic hybrid resonators,” UC San Diego Biomedical Engineering Department Seminar, San Diego, CA, October, 2019.
- “Digital resolution genomic and proteomic liquid biopsy using plasmonic-photonic hybrid resonators,” USC Electrical and Computer Engineering Department Seminar, Los Angeles, CA, October, 2019.
- “Digital resolution genomic and proteomic liquid biopsy using plasmonic-photonic hybrid resonators,” UC Irvine Biomedical Engineering Department Seminar, Irvine, CA, October, 2019.
- “Digital resolution genomic and proteomic liquid biopsy using plasmonic-photonic hybrid resonators,” University of Central Florida CREOL Seminar, Orlando, FL, November, 2019.
- “Finding needles in a haystack: Liquid biopsy for nucleic acid and protein biomarkers for disease diagnosis.” Center for Advanced Studies Noon Hour Presentation, Urbana, IL, February, 2020.
- “New biosensing paradigms enabled by smartphones, spectroscopy, and photonic metamaterials,” Pittcon, Chicago, IL, March, 2020.
- “Digital resolution biosensing: new approaches in cancer and COVID-19,” Carl R. Woese Institute for Genomic Biology, Science Chat, April 2020.
- “Finding needles in a haystack: Liquid biopsy for nucleic acid and protein biomarkers for disease diagnosis.” National Academy of Science, India, Delhi Chapter (delivered virtually), June 2020.
- “Finding needles in a haystack: Liquid biopsy for nucleic acid and protein biomarkers for disease diagnosis.” IEEE EMBS St. Joseph’s Institute of Technology, India, (delivered virtually), June 2020.
- “Novel approaches for breaking the COVID testing bottleneck,” JUMP ARCHES COVID Workshop (delivered virtually), Keynote Presentation, September, 2020.
- “Digital resolution biosensing: New Technology and Applications in Cancer and COVID-19,” Mayo Clinic (delivered virtually) CIM/PCT Seminar, January 2021.
- “Novel approaches for breaking the COVID testing bottleneck, ” Zhejiang University-UIUC Center for Pathogen Diagnostics Symposium (virtual), January 2021.
- “Digital resolution biosensing: New Technology and Applications in Cancer and COVID-19,” Nazarbayev University, Kazakhstan (delivered virtually), March 2021.
- “Photonic metamaterial surfaces for digital resolution biosensor microscopies using enhanced absorption, scattering, and emission,” SPIE Photonics West (delivered virtually), March 2021.
- “Biosensor diagnostics: Transitioning from personalized medicine to personalized nutrition,” Frontiers in Nutritional Science Lecture Series, Center for Personalized Nutrition, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (delivered virtually), March 2021.
- “Applications of photonic resonator absorption microscopy,” Mayo Clinic Precision Cancer Therapeutics Retreat, Rochester, MN (delivered virtually), August 2021.
- “Novel microscopies and digital resolution biosensor diagnostics using photonic metamaterial surfaces,” National Institutes of Standards and Technology, Biophysical and Biomedical Measurement Seminar, (delivered virtually), October, 2021.
- “Digital resolution liquid biopsy at the point of care,” SelectBIO Point of Care Diagnostic Biosensors Conference, Coronado Island, CA, December 2021.
- “Photonic resonator interferometric scattering microscopy,” SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, CA, January 2022.
- “Cancer measurement at the point of care,” VinFuture Prize Innovatalk, VinFuture Webinar Series, (delivered virtually), July 2022.
- “Cancer measurement at the point of care using nanophotonics,” Optical MEMS and Nanophotonics Conference, Keynote Presentation, (delivered virtually), September 2022.
- “Cancer liquid biopsy at the point of care,” Early Detection of Cancer Conference, Portland, OR, October 2022.
- “Ultrasensitive quantification of molecular biomarkers using digital resolution technology,” Individualizing Medicine Conference, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, November 2022.
- “Ultrasensitive detection of cancer and pathogens using the power of nanophotonics,” EPFL Careers in Photonics, Lausanne, Switzerland, November 2022.
- “Ultrasensitive and ultraselective liquid biopsy: Nanophotonics-driven digital resolution biosensing,” SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, CA, January 2023 (Keynote Presentation)
- “Nanophotonics-driven digital resolution biomolecule sensing combined With target molecule recycling,” Stanford Canary Center for Early Cancer Detection seminar, Palo Alto, CA, April 2023.
- “Nanophotonics-driven digital resolution biomolecule sensing combined With target molecule recycling,” OSF Hospital Cancer Clinical Seminar, Peoria, IL, May 2023.
- Biosensors Summer School, VinUniversity, Hanoi, Vietnam, July 2023.
- “Digital resolution biosensing using photonic crystal enhanced fluorescence and quantum dot tags,” Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Material Science Department Seminar, July 2023.
- “Liquid biopsy technology in neurological disease,” Mayo Clinic Neuroscience Seminar, Jacksonville, FL, August 2023.
- “Nanophotonics-driven digital resolution biomolecule sensing combined With target molecule recycling,” iOptics Seminar, Urbana, IL, August 2023.
- “Advancing cancer biomarker detection,” Drug Discovery Network (DDN) webinar, September 2023.
- “Digital resolution detection without droplets or enzymes through photonic crystal amplification,” SelectBIO Lab on a Chip and Microfluidics World Congress, Laguna Hills, CA, November 2023.
- “Ultrasensitive digital molecular and viral assays for point of care diagnosis using photonic crystal biosensor microscopy,” SelectBIO Emerging Technologies & Paradigms for In Vitro Dx Europe, Rotterdam, Netherlands, March 2024.
- “A startup company story: Translation of photonic resonator absorption microscopy toward a point of care product for cancer diagnostics,” Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), Charlotte, NC, May 2024.
- “Applicatioon of biosensor technology for minimally invasive detection of miRNA in human milk,” Personalized Nutrition Initiative Innovation Day, Urbana, IL September 2024.
- “Rapid and ultrasensitive point of care digital resolution diagnostics using nucleic acid engineering and photonic crystals,” SelectBIO Emerging Technologies for Diagnostics and Liquid Biopsies, (Keynote Presentation), New Orleans, LA, September 2024.