Holonyak Micro & Nanotechnology Lab
M.Sc. Chemistry, Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning, 2018
Ph.D. STAR Lab, Central Research Instrument Facility, SSSIHL, 2021
Post-Doctoral Fellow, NanoStructured Materials Lab, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, 2022
Dr. K. V. Rao Scientific Society (KVRSS) research award; Augmenting Writing Skills for Articulating Research (AWSAR); Young Achiever Award; MSc Chemistry & BSc All-rounder Gold Medals; DST Inspire Fellowship & Scholarship
Research Interests
Current disease detection technologies are expensive and demands well-trained specialists. In this context, my research at Nanosensors develop nano-engineered photonic crystals for fluorescence-based smartphone detection of molecules/biomarkers related to different diseases. My research focuses on novel approaches for public health monitoring through early cancer diagnostics using quantum dots, m-RNA, photonic crystal-based cost-effective platforms, specifically amenable for resource-limited settings.
Research Experience
Indian Institute of Science (IISc): Optofluidics and Nanoscience, SASTRA university: Surface Enhanced-Raman Scattering (SERS) and biosensing, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT)-Bombay: Nanofabrication and Raman spectroscopy, Centre for Incubation, Innovation, Research and Consultancy: Antimicrobial and anticancer study.
Representative Publications
- Bhaskar, S., Das, P., Moronshing, M., Rai, A., Subramaniam, C., Bhaktha, S. B., Ramamurthy, S. S. Photoplasmonic assembly of dielectric-metal, Nd2O3-Gold soret nanointerfaces for dequenching the luminophore emission. Nanophotonics, 2021, 20210124.
- Bhaskar, S., Visweswar Kambhampati, N. S., Ganesh, K. M., Srinivasan, V., Ramamurthy, S. S. Metal-Free, Graphene Oxide-Based Tunable Soliton and Plasmon Engineering for Biosensing Applications. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2021, 13, 17046–1706.
- Bhaskar, S., Singh, A. K., Das, P., Jana, P., Kanvah, S., Bhaktha BN, S., Ramamurthy, S. S. Superior Resonant Nanocavities Engineering on Photonic Crystal-Coupled Emission Platform for Detection of Femtomolar Iodide and Zeptomolar Cortisol. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2020, 12(30), 34323–34336.
- Rai, A., Bhaskar, S., Ganesh, K. M., & Ramamurthy, S. S. Hottest Hotspots from the Coldest Cold: Welcome to Nano 4.0. ACS Appl. Nano Mater. 2022, 5(9), 12245-12264.
- Rai, A., Bhaskar, S., Reddy N., Ramamurthy S. S. Cellphone-Aided Attomolar Zinc Ion Detection Using Silkworm Protein-Based Nanointerface Engineering in a Plasmon-Coupled Dequenched Emission Platform. ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng. 2021, 9, 44, 14959–14974.
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