October 18, 2021 By: Ananya Sen Current medical diagnostics involve sending samples to laboratory facilities, which can be difficult and expensive. Researchers at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign have designed a desk-sized instrument that can make the same measurements at the location where the samples are collected. For several years the Cunningham group has been […]
Introducing PRISM: Photonic Resonance Interferometric Scattering Microscopy
CUNNINGHAM GROUP DEVELOPS MICROSCOPE TECHNIQUE TO DETECT INDIVIDUAL VIRUSES FOR POWER RAPID DIAGNOSTICS CHAMPAIGN, Ill. — A fast, low-cost technique to see and count viruses or proteins from a sample in real time, without any chemicals or dyes, could underpin a new class of devices for rapid diagnostics and viral load monitoring, including HIV and […]
Establishing the Center for Pathogen Diagnostics
9/30/2020, Kim Gudeman With COVID-19 infecting more than 25.1 million worldwide to date, the pandemic has underscored the need for cost-effective, accurate, and quick diagnostics. The University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign and Zhejiang University are launching the Center for Pathogen Diagnostics (CPD) to create new detection systems that address limitations of current technologies, while leveraging the […]
Portable Smartphone COVID Test
As COVID-19 continues to spread, bottlenecks in supplies and laboratory personnel have led to long waiting times for results in some areas. In a new study, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign researchers have demonstrated a prototype of a rapid COVID-19 molecular test and a simple-to-use, portable instrument for reading the results with a smartphone in 30 […]
Using Photonics to Generate “Hot Electrons” that Catalyze Chemical Transformations
Researchers in Prof. Brian Cunningham’s Nanosensors Group at the University of Illinois, in collaboration with Prof. Singamaneni’s research group at Washington University, described a new approach for efficiently catalyzing chemical reactions using light, in the journal ACS Photonics. The researchers harnessed a new approach for amplifying electromagnetic fields in nanometer-scale volumes by coupling the energy […]
Digital Diagnostics Review Paper in Lab on a Chip
The Nanosensors Group from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign published a Critical Review for the journal Lab on a Chip, entitled “Digital Resolution Biomolecular Sensing for Diagnostics and Life Science Research.” The co-authors of the paper are Qinglan Huang, Nantao Li, Hanyuan Zhang, Congyu Che, Fu Sun, Yanyu Zhang, Taylor Canady, and Brian Cunningham. […]
Inexpensive, portable detector identifies pathogens in minutes
APR 23, 2020 12:00 PMBY LOIS YOKSOULIAN | PHYSICAL SCIENCES EDITOR | 217-244-2788 CHAMPAIGN, Ill. — Most viral test kits rely on labor- and time-intensive laboratory preparation and analysis techniques; for example, tests for the novel coronavirus can take days to detect the virus from nasal swabs. Now, researchers have demonstrated an inexpensive yet sensitive smartphone-based testing […]
Interview on WILL about COVID Diagnostics
U OF I RESEARCHERS DEVELOPING SMARTPHONE APP FOR CORONAVIRUS TESTING BRIAN MOLINE, ILLINOIS NEWSROOM | 4/3/2020 3:30:07 PM A team of University of Illinois researchers is working on a smartphone application that would detect the novel coronavirus within 30 minutes, without the need for a diagnostic lab. Illinois Newsroom’s Brian Moline spoke with Brian Cunningham. […]
Announcing the Center for Genomic Diagnostics
January 29, 2020 By: Claudia Lutz A new research center at the University of Illinois directed by Donald Biggar Willett Professor in Engineering Brian Cunningham aims to revolutionize diagnostics and personalized medicine, developing technologies that are at once more accurate, more affordable, and more practical for routine care. The Carl R. Woese Institute for Genomic […]
Single-molecule detection of cancer markers brings liquid biopsy closer to clinic
CHAMPAIGN, Ill. — A fast, inexpensive yet sensitive technique to detect cancer markers is bringing researchers closer to a “liquid biopsy – a test using a small sample of blood or serum to detect cancer, rather than the invasive tissue sampling routinely used for diagnosis. Researchers at the University of Illinois developed a method to […]